Puck-serien oppnår stil gjennom enkelhet. En lampe som lett kan bli en favoritt takket være lyskilden, allsidigheten og diskret design. En serie som gir en følelse av varme til rom til tross for den strenge elegansen i formen. En klassiker som virkelig er tidløs. Det var i 1987 at lysdesigneren Åke Hultgren skapte familien Puck. Hver av de forskjellige modellene i denne tidløse serien glir uanstrengt inn i miljøet den brukes i.
Puck er nå oppdatert ved å bytte ut halogenpæren med en ny LED-lyskilde som kaster et ideelt leselys.
The Puck series achieves style through simplicity. A lamp that can easily become a firm favourite thanks to its light source, versatility and discreet design. A series that brings a sense of warmth to spaces despite the strict elegance of its form. A classic that is truly timeless.
It was in 1987 that the lighting designer Åke Hultgren created the Puck family. Each of the different models in this timeless series blends effortlessly into the setting in which it is used.
The floor lamp, which comes in a selection of standard colours, is a natural choice whenever you need a practical, comfortable reading light by thesofa or beside a favourite armchair. Puck has now been updated by replacing the halogen bulb with a new LED light source that casts an ideal reading light.
Åke Hultgren
The Swedish lighting designer Åke Hultgren is best known for his lamp collection Puck which was released in 1987. The appearance of Puck collection also characterises Hultgren’s style as a designer, combining refined functionalism with classic and timeless elegance of Scandinavian design.
Class II IP20 230V
Switch on lamp shade. Not dimmable
1x3.1W 12V GU4 LED included
2,5 m cable, plug included
2 kg